Sunday, August 22, 2010

My husband just got word that he is going to be sent to survival school the week our baby is due, any advice?

He is in the navy and they already told him they can not change the dates..The Dr. said he will not induce labor and we both really want him to be here for her birth.My husband just got word that he is going to be sent to survival school the week our baby is due, any advice?
Oh honey I know how you feel.. My hubby is in the Air Force and just left a few weeks ago for 6month deployment... and is not due to return until a month AFTER the baby is born... But they said they can set up a video conference in the labor room...WHere I can see him and he can see me and we can talk... Unfortunately I won't be able to hit him or anything.. LOL

And I know that is not the same BUT atleast that is better than nothing... I guess.. MAYBE they can do something like that for you...

HANG IN THERE.. I hope all goes well.. HOW LONG WILL HE BE GONE??? Like some one else suggested you might be able to get labor going on your own... GOOD LUCK AND CONGRATS%26gt;%26gt;


Just PLEAS DON';T TRY CASTOR OIL%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;THAT CAN CAUSE SERIOUS PROBLEMS!!! WITH YOU AND THE BABY.. it can pass through to the baby and give him Diarhea to..which will contaminate the amniotic fluid..My husband just got word that he is going to be sent to survival school the week our baby is due, any advice?
sorry you have that problem

you might beg your Dr. to would be important to trigger his humane part. maybe he will understand.

the other thing is the week before.... walk, walk, take warm showers or bath to try and it just might induce labor...

I had my babies with C section, so they were planned by the minute which was very convenient
Get a new doctor
So sorry about your luck. That's the breaks with the military!
I am sorry to hear this I hope all goes well. I am sure you can do something this is in humane. The father should be there
Well, the good news is, due dates are only accurate within 1-2 weeks. Soooo maybe you will just have your baby earlier than the due date and your husband will get to be there. If I were you I would be praying a lot. :) Good luck.
Did you ask the doc to induce before you knew he was getting sent, or did the doctor not care?

Unfortunately this is part of being a military wife. It really sucks sometimes when things play out like that, but there's nothing else you can do from the sounds of it. Good luck to you, hopefully baby will come early or will wait til Daddy is back.
I guess all you can do is make sure you have ways to reach him and the tele# incase you start going into labor. Good luck hope the baby can wait for him.
maybe he needs to take holidays at that time
i was a day late... so i drank raspberry tea... and the next day i went into labor- but i would not try castor oil!!!!!

good luck- im sorry to hear your in that situation!
The only way he could be there with you when he is born is if you had complications. If something went wrong for you that was serious. The navy is very strict and could care less that he is going to be a daddy. They care only for their schedules. My friend's husband missed the birth of 2 of their 3 kids. He only got to be with her for the third as she had major problems which almos cost both of their lives. Her baby got here ok in the end. But, there is nothing you can do.
Has he gone to his commander and explained the situation -- or perhaps the base chaplin? A chaplin may be able to do something for him.

If not, just accept it and do the best you can. Once in the military, they basically own you. Although this seems kind of heartless.
My husband was out to sea when one of our daughter's was born. If its your first daughter, chances are likely that you will go past your due date anyway.. so it might not be a big deal. If you're worried, you could have a family member come stay with you when you're do. That was never an option for me, but I was very close to some other Navy wives, so they helped me a lot. The needs of the Navy always come first :( It sucks, but get used to it.. because, man, schools and deployments always seem to happen at the worst time ;) Congrats on the baby!
That not good. But you never know you may have the baby early or late.

Drink castor starts contractions. You could have the baby today if you really wanted.

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