Monday, August 23, 2010

Ladies, any good advice for a husband with a newly impregnated wife?

Like, what should I be more patient with, etc.?

How can I help?

I have no idea, never experienced this sort of thing before. :OLadies, any good advice for a husband with a newly impregnated wife?
You need to be understanding and comforting especially when she starts crying for no reason. Womens hormones are going crazy right now and we don't need for the man to get angry or upset with us when we are having a fit. All you can do is be there and support her in every way. Congrats.Ladies, any good advice for a husband with a newly impregnated wife?
The last three months are the more difficult. There's a lot of mood swings. There's a lot of things you can do to help out like housework, vacuuming or anything involving cleaning.

The childbirth classes are highly reccommended. Try and take one through the hospital where you're expecting to take birth. You'll get to know some of the hospital staff and learn where everything is.

During birth, before your wife gets the epidural, you will be wondering why you married this super-angry woman, but remember she's angry at everyone - not just you.

If you play your cards right, you'll get to hold the baby first. She'll want to see the baby asap, and you'll see the other end of the emotional spectrum where she'll be on cloud 9.
Oooh, congratulations. :o)
expect lots of sex

It's a natural process with lots of weird things happening to you...some you will like and others you may not. It's all a pretty cool thing though, so enjoy it while it lasts.
daddy, don't worry. if you are posting this question then you already care enough to fine the answers. and the answers will come to you. with each situation you will find what works. every person is different and i am sure you know your wife well enough to know what she will need. i know you are nervious, so is mommy. but trust me, you will figure it out. as her 9 months progress, it will get harder for her to move around, bend over, that kind of thing. she might get irratable, don't worry, it is just the hormones. it is not that she is mad at YOU. just let her know that you are there for her support. what ever she needs you will make it happen. and be ready for the late night hunt for PB and ice cream.
When the mood swings hit, just be nice.

When she has a craving, be willing to run for odd food at odd hours.

An occasional foot or back rub will improve her mood tremendously.

And when the ';do you think I look fat'; questions come, just be nice and remind her she's just pregnant - it will go away.
I gotta go with Silk, throughout her pregnancy make sure you confirm that you still think she's beautiful, and for God sakes, DON'T ever stare at another woman in front of her! Lay your head on her tummy once the baby starts showing so you can feel it kick. Don't show your frustration when she's in a ';mood';. And darn it, when she gets too big to bend over, tie her shoes for her!!!

(Sometimes she might not want you to dote on her, you just have to try to read her and figure out when those times are.)
Pregnancy makes you insane. Walk on ice for the next 9 months, shower her with kisses and praises. Every other word out of your mouth should be about how beautyful she is. Never ever call her fat or imply that she is eating too much.

Remember she does not mean what she says when she is upset. She will cry, she will yell and then out of nowhere she will rip your clothes off and then cry again.
Just follow her lead.

She may have a wonderful pregnancy with no bad symptoms.

She may have the worst pregnancy known to mankind.

Or she may have a pregnancy that's not like any other pregnancy.....because they're all like that.

Just love her.....and follow her lead.
First of all, congratulations!

Yes, you will need some super-patience during this time, especially when her hormones go wild. One minute she'll be happy, the other mad, then sad, then suddenly she'll be craving a turkey sandwich with marshmallows on it. It'll probably go something like, ';Wow, isn't that a weird craving to have honey? NOW GET ME THE FREAKING SANDWICH!'; (Seriously- but remember that she's not really mad at you- hormones make us NUTS)

If you're excited and happy, show it. My husband took almost no interest in my growing, wiggling stomach, and it hurt my feelings, because I was so happy when my baby kicked and he had this ';so what'; attitude. Sure, he was happy he was going to be a father, but until then, it was like nothing had changed. When she's putting your hand on her stomach, make it a big deal, because it is a big deal to her.

Don't be too nervous about what I've said or about anything else you'll hear. It can get rough, but if you keep in mind that it's not her, it's her hormones, that's all you'll need to know. I did and said alot of things to my husband, things I didn't really feel or know I was even going to say, and we have no lasting anger or hurt feelings from it.

One more thing. Go with her to every doctor appointment. She needs your support now more than ever. And she's going to be limited later on on the things she can do. If she drops something, or needs something that's down low, get it for her. If something needs lifting, do it before she asks you to. There are lots of nice things you can do for her that will make things easier on her.

Again, congratulations, and goodluck.
You want to make her comfortable as much as possible remove all stress from her. Yes much needed patients is needed. try to help her as much as can around the house. she can do a lot still but she should try to stay away from using house hold chemicals it can cause damage to the fetus. Love her and help her any way you can. she is delicate right now. she is carrying your child and patients is a key factor try to help take stress away from her. if you have a dog and she usually walks him you do it. take out the trash and just do what she wants. do as much as you can. congrats on your new addition coming soon! It is a joy like no other.
expect the bit*h to turn into super bit*h
Do whatever she says- and get her whatever food she craves!
Welcome to the land of hormones and the end of any life that you once knew. What changes? Moods, eating habits, sleeping patterns, and a whole host of other things for both of you. When my wife was pregnant the house turned into the equivalent of a cold storage plant. Soon things that she liked and you liked to do with her will go bye bye. It is a mess and it is stressful. However that being said, the joy of kids (now I have 2) far outweighs the challenges or changes.
first of all congratulations , i think you will do just fine helping her through your pregnancy , you started off by asking what you could do to help , just remember her body is going through changes that even she dont understand , mood swings could come , just remember when she gets moody or angry its not really at you , just remember to tell her how much you love her and how beautiful she is carrying your baby , buy her a little gift once in a while , or send her flowers once in a while , just to let her know you are thinking of her .. let her know you are there with her every step of the way ... good luck and God Bless

Tell her that she looks beautiful, especially when she gets really big. That always helps, especially when she starts growing out of maternity clothes. LOL (that's a fun experience - ';I'm now too big for clothes I am meant to be fat in! @@@';)

If she's unable to cook or do chores for whatever reason, don't be annoyed that you have to pick up the slack - just do it. Trust me, this will make her happy!

She will probably be looking up all kinds of info about pregnancy that she will want to share with you. Let her - you will learn quite a bit this way. And if she reads things that make her worry, make sure to tell her that the bad things probably won't happen, but if they do you guys will get through it together.

Basically, just be supportive and realize that she will be more and more limited in what she can do as D-day approaches. Oh! And she may be extra emotional or sensitive or moody - she can't help it, it's the hormones. Brace yourself. LOL

God bless.


I forgot one thing - never ever compare her to another pregnant woman. When I was expecting my first, one of my friends was pregnant too and her hubby gave her a hard time about her eating habits. He was always comparing her to me. She was overweight to begin with but her weight went up quite alot with her pregnancy, and he was always telling her that *I* was managing to eat less and stay thin. He totally didn't get the fact that I couldn't eat as much because I was 3 months further along than his wife and had considerably less room to eat (and I am just naturally scrawny anyways...I gained 50 lbs but it didn't look like it because I was so underweight to start with). Anyways it was devastating to her (and I felt just awful too!!). So please, don't go there. Nothing good can come of that. If her weight goes way up, it's actually healthy and it will pass.
If this isn't a ';Roman'; question, then congrats!

Life, as you knew it, has now stopped. Prepare for change. If you think you were a devoted husband ';then';, get ready to kick it into the next gear. And don't worry, it's all good, cousin.
Congratulations. Your life will change forever! You sound like a really nice guy who is willing to help so your wife and child are very lucky.

1. NEVER tell her she looks fat, or like a duck, or anything else that may be misconstrued.

2. Help her around the house BEFORE she asks for it.

3. Realize that she's building a baby. That takes a huge amount of energy so she's gonna be exhausted.

Once the baby arrives, remember that s/he is half yours. That means, help with the diapers, feedings, bathing, etc. These things will help build a real, loving, family .
Congratulations =) Firstly just remember her hormones are going to go crazy and it will be at times you aren't even expecting. Just try to be as understanding and caring as possible. Make her feel really special when she feels low or bad about her self. I'm sure you will do just fine. Good luck!

Just give her evwrything she needs, when she cries or have one of her mood swings just bear with it. Ask her other friends preferably girls to talk with her once in a while so that she won't get bored or get moody. Don't forget to compliment her once in a while so that she won't think that you don't love her anymore (That one happened many times to one of my friends, I feel sad for him he was thrown out of his own house about 3 times because of that incident). Give her all the food that she want and don't ever complain you'll either make her sad or angry.
All these answers have to do with the man totally kissing his wifes azz.....women have been pushing out babies for thousands of years...this is no new feat of magic we are talking about! Both men and women need support, not just the woman!

I am the mom of two awesome sons!!!!
give her lots of back rubs and when she start to show and her breast get bigger lift them up she will love it because it takes the extra weight off her and she will love you for think of it.

never tell her she looks fat.

always pay attention to her and not other women, even if you could before.

tell her she is beautiful and always touch her and the baby.

And lots of patience. I was a mess when I was pregnant and even more so with twins. Talk about a rollar coaster. She is going to be just as frusterated with her moods, her emotions, her body and the fear as you are. Just remember you are going through it together BUT you got the fun part and she has the hard part. Just appreciate that, love her like crazy, get her what ever she wants to eat and one am and enjoy the experience. :)
from a Dad's perspective. I agree with what the other WOMEN said. Both the mom %26amp; Dad to be will feel a rush of different emotions, which are all valid. The woman may go through some mood swings. FOr the guy be EXTRA understanding as the woman is going through emotional %26amp; physical changes that you will NEVER understand. Go to you rlocal book store %26amp; bu a book on pregnancy from a man's perspective. I cant remember the title of hand but it was very useful when my wife was pregnant with our first child. I reallyhelped to understand the emotions %26amp; how to adapt/help during the pregnancy.

good luck %26amp; congrats.
her moods are going to go from one extreme to the other and some days she is not going to feel like being bothered.. be patient with her, its not you, its her hormones.
she will be swollen, tired, angry and big really big. you will want a divorce, but hang in there. she will brag about you when she is done if you are good to her. even smells will bother her, so don't be surprised to eat the same thing for about nine months. if you see her having a hard time ask to help and if she says no it probably means yes. have fun and enjoy all the stages of pregnancy with her. watch her belly grow take lots of pictures and get prepared for parenthood. good luck and congrats on your new joy!

then worry later. xD! Joke.

Just make her happy and it'll make the baby happy.

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