Sunday, August 22, 2010

How do you overcome your husband cheating on you with you first cousin give my some advice?

Well my first cousin say she slept with my husband but of course he says NO. But I don't know who to believe I have a feeling its true but my cousin live by runing others household because she isn't happy. I need some advice on how to handle this situation.How do you overcome your husband cheating on you with you first cousin give my some advice?
Cut your toxic cousin out of your life, forget about her and what she said and move forward with your relationship with your husband.How do you overcome your husband cheating on you with you first cousin give my some advice?
Go on the ';Maury'; show.
I would overcome it by sleeping with his dad..But thats just me.
I could never get over that. Im sorry! It takes a lifetime to build trust and only a second of suspicion to destroy it.
With regard to finding out if your cousin is being honest, why not ask her to identify something (scar/body trait, etc) on your husband's body that only you should know right now.

You state that you feel it is true, but you did not say why you feel that way. If your husband is adamant and your cousin is a troublemaker, let it go for now.
That's a toughy. How is your relationship with your husband? Have you two ever had trust issues, is he the cheating type? Do you have reason to believe he would do this to you?

I don't know what to tell you. Cheating isn't acceptable and if he did with your cousin that only makes it worse. Find out the facts, like when it happened, where it ihappend, etc. See if you can find proof that he wasn't with her when she says he was.

It would be hard an would ruin a marriage to accuse someone of cheating when they didn't.

Good luck. I hope you get things figured out.
Go with your Female instinct and your gut feeling. It rarely leads you wrong. Just keep your eyes and ears open and watch for any strange behavior. If he is cheating, you'll catch him. Good Luck.
Flip a coin. Heads he did it. Tails she did it!
Keep your cousin far far away from your household and trust your husband on this one....simply because you know how your cousin is. Do you suspect that your husband would do such a thing? In that you even want to overcome it or confront it? If you just let it go and you have your reasons for thinking he did do it....then it will happen again.

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