My husband recently began thinking about getting circumcised. Oddly enough i've never been with a circumcised man and didn't really know how to respond when he told me he was thinking about having it done? Is it really any different at all? Will lovemaking feel different? Has anyone been in a similar situation? Well any answers/advice would help reallyI really need some advice about my husband?
I've never heard of a man getting this done beyond birth, so it is different and therefore I wonder what makes him want to do this? Have you ever thought that he might be having an affair and 'the other woman' wants him to alter his banana to what she is accustom? Just let's understand his motive, right? Regardless, it won't be any different at all, and to you, it would feel exactly the same. While it's probably not the most attractive body part, it might just look a little cleaner.
I'm a nurse and at the hospital where I work, once there was a male child born with a slight deformity. Although seemingly a minor cosmetic issue, he was born without eye lids, which do serve an important function, protecting and lubricating the eyes. Doctors decided to perform plastic surgery and use the circumcised skin as eyelid material. It sounds pretty good, right? Similar type skin, very flexible, appropriate coloration, etc. It was a perfect plan, so they performed the procedure and all went well. Only one problem...the kid became c0ck-eyed. lol
Whatever your husband ends up doing with his wang seems rather mental/emotional, rather than physical. So, either way, just enjoy!
P.S. Arnold is obvioulsy uncircumsized, seeking to hold his place in the public shower. There are several wacko, special interest groups who have strong beliefs over the issue of circumcision and they throw such unsubstanciated statistics around like the gospel to promote their values. Besides, the only reason Arnold didn't get circumsized is because if he lost 15% he'd have nothing Everyone seems to have an angle. Mine is a bit of honesty, combined with humor, in an attempt to promote constructive thought.I really need some advice about my husband?
Once circumcised, the tip of the penis will have a small ';ridge';. This area is not only highly sensative for the man %26amp; his pleasure will increase - but yes - for U too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!! That little ';ridge'; can hit your G spot over and over and the feeling is pure bliss! It's great that you are already satisfied - having this proceedure will not decrease that. However, having the surgery as an adult will make him a bit sore for a about a week, he needs to be very dilligent about careing for his recovery. Also, once it has been done, there is an amount of phsycholical fear that a man will possess afterwards - afterall his most sensative area was just near sharp metal and all - so be patient and go slow at first and ease into sex. I found that oral sex at first was best %26amp; use alot of lubrication as he may be dry at first due to his thoughts - not a physical reaction.
It wouldn't be any different for you, but he will lose the sensitivity in the head of his penis. It might make him last longer. Is he going through a mid life crisis, why get it done now, maybe he feels his foreskin is getting in the way as when it pulls back as you have sex the webbing can strain if there isn't enough lubrication. Ask him if thats the problem, maybe a little lubricant in you will fix it
Alot of men are choosing to be circumcised now. It has been proven to reduce cancer of the genital area. There is no difference in the way love making feels except you may have to get used o the difference. It's just the way it feels on the outside that will be different.
if you're sexually satisfied w/ him not being circumcised-y does he want it done? if it's not for health reasons, I would tell him to leave it alone. I've slept w/ cut penises, uncut penises and even pierced penises, it all pretty much feels the same to me. I don't think that their will be too much difference for you but your hubby may find that it's a whole lot more sensitive.
ive been circumcised since birth and went through the pros and cons when our son was born --- for an adult it is a major operation and unless there are compelling medical reasons it not something to be lightly entered into --- as far as i am aware there are no real differences in lovemaking ---- the only or major advantage is that it is more hygenic and less prone to infections if not cleaned correctly
I am shocked that he is wanting to be circumcised as an adult. I cant tell you that i know what relations with an un-circumcised man is like bc the only time that i ever see one was on my son before the procedure. I couldnt imagine not having the tip of my husband if you know what i mean. i would be really surprised if he actually goes through with it.
I thought that all men were circumcised. This is done in every hospital.. at birth.. I guess unless the parents specifically ask not to. Hmmm.. I wasn't aware that parents actually did that!
Sorry for my ignorance... :)
But a circumcised male member is just one that has the head exposed. With an uncircumcised member, you have loose foreskin that covers it up.. and can be folded. There are actually some health concerns with having that loose skin. It can harbor bacteria and infections.
If he is having this done as an adult.. it isn't a bad thing. He's probably regretting that his parents didn't have it done while he was young enough not to remember the pain!
But your sex won't be any different. It will still feel good to you both. His member won't loose any length or anything.. it is just loose foreskin that is being cut. You'll be able to see the head without folding skin back. You'll also be able to feel that head a little better.
From what I understand sex is very different for the MAN when he is circumcised... and not in a good way. It seems that the sensations are different and actually less than the circumcised man. It may also cause some issues for the 2 of you during sex since it may cause him to O quicker.. since everything is exposed, but not necessarily better. Did he tell you 'why' he is thinking about doing this? Seems weird to want to do something so drastic so late in life unless he has been convinced that sex will be better or something like that. It brings up more questions and I'd really try to dig a bit deeper to find out the big reason. [the link below has several sublinks which discuss circumcision... very worthwhile reading].
hmm...ive only been circumcised men...and iv never been let down, iv heard from other women circumsiced men are in it feels better during think u shouldnt worry too much.
I have only been with a man that has been circumcised. But I would recommend that you talk to his physician and ask those same questions.
I would also use the internet to look up pictures of circumcised men and do your own comparison.
I understand it is much healthier and cleaner to be circumcised.
In response to the previous answer, it is actually fairly common for an adult man to be circumcised, if it was not done as an infant.
I think at the end of the day, you've got to leave it up to him...I can't say i've ever heard anyone complain about sex in a way that specifically mentions a circumcised penis was the problem. It's also alot more hygenic too.
my advice is that if he is stupid enough to get it done... you've learned how stupid he is.
I've only been with circumsized men BUT studies have shown that uncircumsized males experience and give better pleasure when it comes to sex. Just something to think about. I'm very surprised that he's even considering it as an adult. If the sex is good now and you both are happy, don't change it. Doctors have even said that circumsicion is a pointless procedure...they used to think it needed to be done for health issues but studies have proven that theory wrong as well. Both of you need to do research on this before jumping into any snipping! Best of luck!
Hey, its his organ he can do what he wants, but the question is why does he want it now? circumsicion takes away 15% of sensations away, because the area around the corona of the penis is a very sensitive area, and if circumsiced, that part is constantly exposed to the rubbing of the underwear etc and will eventually like all other parts of the body lose the wonderful sensation, on the flip side that will help with having longer sex cause it takes more stimulation now that his sensation is lesser.
Personally I would not recomend circumsicion to anyone, even a child.
All my husbands were circumcised. But once I was with an uncircumcised man and I think that if I had to do it again I would not have had my son circumcised when he was a baby. I would have given him the choice of his own. Although if a problem would have come about because of this decision, I would have had the circumcision performed. If there is a medical reason for the procedure then it should be considered for his health.
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