Sunday, August 22, 2010

I have just lost my job,I am pregnant and now I feel like I let my husband down. Advice?

Today I got the notice to say that after July 23rd my job is done.

I am a nanny and the wife lost her Job so she no longer needs me.

I don't make much money but at least I feel like I am bringing something to the table in our marriage. My husband says ';well ok';.

I am also currently 6 months pregnant due in October and I was going to be a SAHM come October anyways.

But now that I am off work for 3 months, Besides cleaning the house and having dinner ready..I feel useless. My husband works Really hard to provide for the family. He sacrifices so much and yet I feel like I am hardly giving anything...Being a SAHM is another story. I will be taking care of our Daughter full time all the time so at least I feel like I am doing something..

I feel like I am letting my husband down...Advice.I have just lost my job,I am pregnant and now I feel like I let my husband down. Advice?
I think you are being way too hard on yourself. You were doing the best you could with what you had, and it's tough out there. I would suggest concentrating on getting ready for the baby.

If you are super-bored, there are places you could look into for part-time (retail usually hires you quickly) or you could volunteer somewhere in your city - like the library.

Don't worry - you aren't letting your husband down. Circumstances are just bad right now. Things will work out for you.I have just lost my job,I am pregnant and now I feel like I let my husband down. Advice?
You're not letting him down. Take the next three months to prepare your home for the baby. Get plenty of rest, exercise and fresh air. Prepare freezer meals for those days when you'll be running on empty and not have the energy to cook.

When the baby comes, your world will tilt. Take the time now to appreciate what you have right now.
If you were paid ';under the table';, you won't qualify for UI. (apply if it was all aboveboard, however).

Try to find a part-time job in retail or fast food until then, or maybe babysit. If you feel useless, you should find some way to contribute.
Taking care of his daughter IS a contribution to the family. A big one...I have a 3 year old and you don't realize how much they wear you out. Ease up on yourself, bond with your baby.
you don't need advice. you just need to relax. you didn't let him down at all. what can you do? so you lost this job. no big deal.
tell your husband how you feel get it out in the open deal with it you dont need the stress..
Go get a part-time job somewhere.
try advertising to clean houses. they need that everywhere. and lord know i pay my cleaning lady a lot!
It's time to nest! Prepare the nursery pronto - you're not going to feel up to doing it in another couple of months.

Get the house ready! Baby %26amp; toddler proof it now!

A few small things would go a long way towards staying connected; make him lunch or better yet bring him lunch to work. You won't be able to easily do that soon.

It's also time to go camping one more time or take a week-end hotel getaway to some place; last chance for a while.
Being that you plan to become a SAHM in October, I would say do not worry about this - you had no control over losing your job and I'm sure your husband understands.

If you can, maybe find some part time work to do in the meantime...just to get yourself out of the house a few hours every other day or so. You could also volunteer your time at any nearby food centers.

But believe me, your husband does not think you are useless - and you shouldn't think that way either.

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