Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Need Advice: Husband snores and we share room with 18 month old...?

My husband has been snoring for several years now. He does use the 'Breath Right' strips, but they honestly are not very helpful. We also share a room with our 18 month old daughter (we only have 2 bedrooms and the other room sleeps are 3 other girls!). Our baby does 'sleep' through the night, but does make her normal 'baby sounds/sighs/moans', etc... The real problem is that she and my husband play off each other to a point (not on purpose). He will snore loudly, and startle her...so she wakes and tosses and turns... then it's ME who has to get her settled down again. On a nightly basis, both of them will wake me up -- husband snoring, and baby doing her baby thing. Once in a while I will sleep on the couch to try and catch up on sleep... or will sleep in. Neither of these options are practical long-term though. Yes, we need another bedroom for the baby and we are working on that. In the meantime though, my husband mentioned to me this morning that 'maybe I should look into doing something...that I am an extremely light sleeper'... basically saying that it's ME with the problem - like I am an abnormal sleeper. I counter that because when he occasionally sleeps on his own with the baby (with me in another room), he is always exhausted -- because he HAD to wake for the baby since I was not in the room! He will NOT EVER get up for the baby if I am in the room - he says that I will wake up before him 'anyway'. It's all kind of a mess. Basically what I am looking for is advice on whether my husband is trying to pass the blame to me...? Ugh.. thanks much!Need Advice: Husband snores and we share room with 18 month old...?
I say that you need more room. You have six people living in two bedrooms? I'd try the baby in with the other kids to get them all a full night sleep.Need Advice: Husband snores and we share room with 18 month old...?
I really think that he should sleep on the couch until you guys can afford a better place to live. But it's a bed that blows up called the ';air bed'; and you can blow it up and when you are finish using it the air comes back out.
I saw of a new procedure on tv.They make one staple in the soft pallet on an out patient basis.The staple stops the snoring temporaily,then scar tissue forms and stops the snoring forever.Ask your doctor and tell tell your hubby to man up! Good Luck.
He needs a trip to a neurologist specializing in sleep disorders, AFTER A TRIP TO AN EAR/NOSE/THROAT specialist to rule out any physical obstructions. If not, make him sleep alone with th4e baby until he gives in.
It is common.Take it normally and accept it wholeheartedly,Madam.
Go buy him Kyolic, a garlic vitamin blend, Get the kind in the blue an white bottle
Hubby would do well to get looked at. Constant snoring means there are problems.

Why did you marry him if he's not much of a man?
You need more bedrooms. I think you are supposed to have 2 people per bedroom..which means you need at least a 3 bedroom house..why only two bedrooms with 6 people in a house? That's insane. Any ways..tell him to sleep on the couch.
Get a white noise machine. Even a radio on fuzz may help. Or make your hubby sleep on the couch so you and the baby can get sleep.
well if hubby wakes up the baby maybe move the crib into the girls room or into the living room during the night and back into your room at night...

but he needs more than breathe right strips!
It could be a combination of all of the above, don't you think? Instead of trying to blame each other, how about sticking it out and working on the solution? Sounds like you guys are already doing that - and that's great. You definitely need more room with such a big family, and trying to fight with each other about it and blame each other for it is fruitless. Go out on the street and ask anyone if it's a good arrangement to have two adults and four kids in a 2-bedroom apartment; I think most people will say ';you need more room';. It's not his fault or your fault or the baby's fault - it's just that your living conditions don't meet your needs. And THIS is the main problem.

That said, it's still not good that he snores. Has he seen a doctor about it? Is he overweight? He could have sleep apnea, which is a potentially serious condition. Regardless of your sleeping arrangements, he really should get evaluated. Perhaps he needs one of those CPAP machines that keep your airways open during sleeping; or maybe he has some physical problem (like a deviated septum) that is causing him to breathe abnormally.

You *could* also be a light sleeper - but if you are, you probably would have recognized this problem before you even got married or had kids. I've had sleeping issues my whole life, and it's been a real problem for me. (It's been better since I've started taking sleep medication - but the downside is, of course, being teetered to a medication to help me sleep.) My husband snores horribly too; his doctor said it was because he was overweight (he's probably 50 lbs overweight). Whatever the reason is, I can't sleep with him in the same room, so for most of our life together we've slept in separate rooms. Thankfully, we have room to do that. I would go absolutely bonkers if I had to sleep in the same room with him - I probably couldn't even be married to him. Good luck, I hope you will have your living arrangements figured out soon, and that you can encourage your husband to address the snoring problem.

P.S. I agree with the others that he should help out with the child, but this is between the two of you guys.
Yes your husband needs to step up and help out with the baby.Using the excuse that you will wake first is LAME. Give him an elbow and make him get up and do his share parenting is for both parents not just the mom. Or he can go sleep on the couch.

Send him to the doctor to have him checked for sleep apnea or other disorder with his rest sleeping breathing he may need a cpap machine to help with the snoring.
Eek. I suppose you COULD go to the doctor and see about your ';light sleeping'; and have YOUR doctor render his or her advice on the other thing. It might be enough to get your husband to go see a doctor.

Seriously, here. If you cannot get your husband to a doctor, how will you get him to a marriage counselor? Pick one or the other, whichever is easiest.
You are right on that she will need her own room and your husband has a problem. Unfortunately until she gets her own room you seem short on options. Also, your husband's problem is a medical one which is not usually solved with the typical surgical and non-surgical remedies. Best of luck to you! Can you place the baby just far away that the normal noises will not wake you, but crying would??
Get some sort of a white noise machine and put it near your baby. Something like a loud fan will work. Face it towards the wall so it's not blowing on anybody. It should help drown out the snoring and the baby's sleep sounds. You could also try pushing the baby's crib into the hallway at night outside your door, or move you and your husband's sleeping quarters into the living room temporarily. Because your baby is now 18 months, she is probably old enough to try sleeping with her sisters now too.

Don't bother fighting about the snoring and who wakes up first and all that. Just figure out a solution.
The funny thing about men is, the older they get, the lighter they sleep. Your payback will come in time. In the meantime, I'd be putting a bed and the baby in the living room. You get sleep, she gets sleep, he gets to snore, everybody wins. They house will look out of order, and maybe that will motivate the additional bedroom into actualization. You could try ear plugs. Really uncomfortable though.
Use ear plugs. They will dim the sound and make it bareable. But you have to trust yourself that you will hear the baby because you will. you can still hear things with plugs in and a mothers brain is HIGHLY tuned to that sound. you just have to trust yourself.

The foam ones are the LEAST uncomfortable.

(and i agree that a gentleman would sleep on the couch but hey thats men for ya lol)
he needs to sleep on the couch for a while

my husband snores and it drives me crazy. he refuses to see a doctor about it so when he starts i point him to the living room. we have an air mattress and a couch, take your pick

i don't play about my sleep. and the baby waking up when he snores all loud isn't good either, those few seconds every 10-20 minutes add up, for all of you
My husband does the same thing. Only he would never get up cuz im breastfeeding and had to get up any way. (not that it would hurt him to get her for me once in a while!) I would say hes just being a typical man. In my opinion (i share a room with both my daughters.) If he is the one snoring, and you are the one suffering, have him sleep on the couch until you can get your little one a room of her own or till you find a way to keep your husband from snoring. Moms are tired enough as it is!
Well, you're married to a selfish man and you have more children than you can afford to house. Of course it's not your fault, why are you even entertaining that idea? He's the one who snores, which can be an indication of all sorts of issues. You should demand that he sleep on the couch, go to the doctor, and man up with his child. Sheesh.
Your husband is being a bad husband. His snoring is a medical problem that is interfering with your and your baby's health. Tell him to go to the doctor or he gets the couch. I also recommend taping his snoring and playing it loudly while he is awake trying to do something. He is definitely in the wrong. His selfishness is not worth you and your baby's health.

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