Saturday, July 31, 2010

Contemplating seperation/divorce from husband, need advice.?

email me and I will give more details.Contemplating seperation/divorce from husband, need advice.?
In a kinder way from the previous post. You need to think about what is leading you to this thought. Is it serious or life threatening or is it really just a difficult situation? I am married myself. It is very difficult bringing two lives together. You will have many challenges along the way. Now, if dangerous or serious issues have come to the surface after some time you need to work on them. Try and determine if this is something you can deal with or if it is beyond you. If you are the type of person who's role in a family is to be a helper or a savior you need to work on boundaries and be concerned with your personal health in the relationship. Do not be afraid to go talk to a religious figure (of your faith), a counselor or a trusted friend. Last but not least, talk with your partner about the issue. See if you can get help together as you are both sharing the pain of whatever the issue is. You need to make the decision based upon this work and discussion how to proceed. Nobody else can do it for you. I wish you well on your discernment of this serious issue.Contemplating seperation/divorce from husband, need advice.?
I don't know the details, but the bottom line is marriage is a vow of what you will do, not what to expect from another person.

The only thing you have control over is your behavior. So if you've been the model wife, met his needs as he described them and he refuses to meet your needs, refuses to seek help for addictive or abusive behavior, and/or refuses to follow church discipline based on the process spelled out in Matthew chapter 18, then and only then would I advise you to seek divorce.

I know in my case, I asked my wife over and over again to paint a picture of what a happy marriage was to her and she only said if I loved her I would know what to do.

Sorry, it doesn't work that way, one persons idea of romance or an ideal marriage doesn't mean the other person sees things the same way.

What is important is not that you both agree on what makes a happy marriage, but that you both agree to accept each other's view of a happy marriage and develop a plan so that each of you are happy.

You are two unique people who will not always see things eye to eye, so working out those differences and respecting the views of the other person are what is important.

Mutual respect and mutual love are key.

The only thing you can control is how you respect and love your husband and if you will stay
It really depends on your situation. For example, if he cheated on you then you need to think if at any point and time you are going to be able not only to forgive him but forget about it, nothing hurts a relationship then dewalling on something that you were suppose to forgive. Your heart will lead you in the right direction, advise from me or any other person will not help you. And everyone says you took vows, etc..... Things in life and marriage change, should you instanly give up, no... but if you feel that you have exhausted all of YOUR possibilites in the marriage its better to move on then to spend what priceless time we have here on earth being unhappy.
If I email you, I will also send you an invoice for counseling. Post your question %26amp; detalis and let all yahoo answerers advise you.
you make me sick first always try to work it out.Give the person a chance to change.
I would never advise a women to stay with a man. Its depending on whats going on. Only you know how you feel and only you knows what is really going on in the relationship. dont just stay for kids or b/c people or your family like him, dont just stay b/c your scared he may hurt you if you leave that is what the law is for trust me

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