Thursday, July 29, 2010

Any advice? My husband is getting circumcised?

Finally, after 4 years of marriage my husband has finally agreed to getting circumcised. He agreed to get it done when he turned 30 and May 23 was his 30th birthday. We have consulted with a clinic in the Baton Rouge area that specializes in this and discussed the pros and cons and have set the date for Friday June 30 so he can have the following week off to recover. My ex boyfriend before I married was also not circumcised so this will be something new for the both of us.

Has anyone else been through this and what can we expect? Girls, is it better cut or should we cancel? I'm a little nervous but really think I want this. We are going to take pics before and after and are trying to get in as much sex as possible before cut date to compare the before and after feelings for the both of us. Willing to share results and answer questions later as a man and woman that has experienced both. Hope its worth it because I know it's final.Any advice? My husband is getting circumcised?

A full 90% of women say sex is better with an intact man.鈥?/a> And a new study out this week proves conclusively that circumcision decreases sensitivity for the man.鈥?/a>

So if it makes things worse for both of you, what's the point? Read the articles I've linked to. And, yes, it is permanent; you can't get it back when you find out that this procedure has ruined intimacy for both of you.

Added: Opps, I got caught by this circumcision wacko again. Folks, this is Amanda/Ashley with a different name and a slightly different approach. She's asked well over 100 questions over the past six months or so, every one about male circumcision and women. And as for her four-year marriage mentioned above, look at the other question she asked today saying how much she likes to look at the circumcisions of her boyfriends. In one of her other identities she had a European boyfriend who wasn't circumcised. This is one sick puppy.Any advice? My husband is getting circumcised?
Hey, a circumcised penis is the greatest gift a husband can give to his wife. There's nothing wrong or big deal with getting that operation done, only benefits. Circumcised members are healthy, sexy, clean and natural.
The American Medical Association and the American Pediatric Association both recommend against routine circumcision. This operation should only be done when there is a medical necessity.

The foreskin is mucous membrane, covered in thousands of nerve endings. When you remove it, you also reduce your sexual feeling. Imagine if he insisted you had your clitoris removed because he didn't like the way it looked!

Current medical research suggests no link between STDs or cancer and being uncircumcised. It is no cleaner or healthier to have the operation.

Less than 60% of newborn males are now circumcised in the US. That's down from a record 90% in 1968. Parents are realizing this mutilation is not medically necessary.

If your husband has the operation, he will be in pain for a few weeks. After the surgery heals, he will have lost some of the sensation in his penis, and since the head will be permanently exposed, he will lose a little more as the head develops a layer of keretin (insensitive cells) to protect it.

A small number of adults who have this operation find they are no longer able to climax just through sexual intercourse; they have to finish by hand.

Finally, recent research indicates women prefer uncut men; the sensation is different for them - I can't speak to that, since I'm male.
To my opinion circumcise is better for sexual health as well as for erection. Due to cut man feels better tightness on shaft of his penis. The head of the penis is the most sensitive part of the organ. If the penis is circumcised, its sensitivity also reduces due to continuous touch with cloths and that makes it possible for the person to have delayed ejaculation and remain in sex for more time.

So, he should go for circumcise.
You are one hell of a control freak.

Why don't you get your clitoris circumcised at the same time so you can do a double act - maybe get yourself a discount?

He should run as far and as fast as he can from you babe.
I know women who says uncut feels better than cut.
Do it.

I was circ'ed as an adult and I have no regrets. The anti-circ brigade are deluded, misinformed losers.
Does HE want this? Its his body and it sounds a tad like you have pushed him into it.

Would you be comfortable if he pushed you to get plastic surgery because thats really all it is unless there is medical reason.

Its the 21st century and we have plenty of running water and soap now.

Just dont force him into it, its his body and its not a reversable procedure.

I have heard circumcision likened to women getting their labia cut that a fair comparison?

Best of luck.
read these first.
Reconsider that; that's my advice.

Cleaning there really isn't anything to worry about. You just slide it back when you shower and rub the head. It takes like five seconds and feels good. In addition, fewer and fewer parents are circumcising in the US (all other industrialized nations don't circumcise newborns; that includes Europe and Asia, and Latin America, even though they aren't industrialized.)

In addition, see:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

And a just published study, actually, scheduled for April, (uncircumcised men are more sensitive down there; just another study that shows that):鈥?/a>

In addition, see my reply to this thread:;鈥?/a>
Why do it? if you like the cut look, just pull it back. Are you trying to keep him from masturbating?
how can you do this to him???????????// he will be sore for a good while but after he will lose a lot of sexual sensation. there is no reason on earth for this, its horrid. his sensation is far better if hes natural, and there is no difference in feel for the woman, just the look and there is nothing bad about the way a natural penis looks. stop this now.
you are dating a baby
Sex should not be different. When in erection, they look the same. Also, being circumcised is for some cleaner.
no i dont think he should do it i mean why cant eveyone be happy with what they got i mean really that just shows to low self esteam

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