Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cheating husband Need advice?

can someone who has been in my shoes please give me some advice. if your husband of 6 years and the father of your 2 small kids was in a relationship with another woman for 2 years and fathered a one week old baby with her and you just found out that he had 3 other women on the side, (for a total of 4 other women) would you try to stick it out for the kids? I don't know what to do. My heart still loves him of course. How can I not, we have 6 years and he is the father of my sons. My heart says yes but my brain says leave now. why cant I??? Please someone say something, Im going insane picturing my husband having unprotected sex with all these women and then coming home begging me for sex. I feel like such a fool. sorry for the bad grammar and everything but this is the least of my worries right now. and plus i have tears in my eyes. omgCheating husband Need advice?
Oh, dear - I am sorry. People who say to stick it out for the kids don't know what they are asking for.

Kids don't need a mom who is stressed, angered, tormented, abused and possibly diseased by their father. You should be free to be a parent that can focus on the happy and healthy aspects of life. This man is trash - he treats you like trash and you should not allow it any longer. Perhaps he has some serious issues that he needs counseling for. If he wants help and sees that he needs help only the two of you can determine whether or not his actions will end! This is not healthy. You are being mistreated and you deserve better. You deserve someone who is yours - no sharing! How can you be the best mom when you have to worry about all this baggage? If his problems were gambling or alcohol... I would suggest therapy and intervention. He needs the same for this if he wants it and IF he sees that it is a problem. I have to children. I am happily married to their step-father who would never dream of cheating on me or on our family. He did this - not you!! Would you do the same to him? I doubt it. My idea of a marriage is one guy/one girl. I won't accept less than that. You deserve to be loved, as the one and only mother of his children. He has four other One-And-Only's now? How many families are you willing to share him with? Does he owe child support to them all? He sounds like a real slime ball. It is not doing you nor your children any good to stay in a relationship where you are not valued. Over the years you will be worn down and perhaps start seeing yourself differently, and not in a good way. Get out now! Keep your head up and stay strong. You are not in a good place and I am sorry for that. I have come to see that most times, once a man is cheating with multiple women, he may always be prone to stray. I feel that if you were out of this relationship you would feel better about yourself. Feeling better will allow you to be the best mom! Stay strong, keep your friends close to you, keep your guardian angel by your side. You'll make it through happier and stronger on the other side. Let him live with regrets. Good luck! Cheating husband Need advice?
Well, the heart rules how we feel and the head how we think. Your feelings can't be changed, but your actions can be. Keep in mind that the same compassion, kindness and love you show is not given to you in return. I wish you much happiness ahead - stay strong for you and your kids.

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I have not been in that situation but NO do not try to stick it out. Face it, your guy is a complete jerk and you don't deserve someone who is going to cheat on you. I'm sure your kids would be happier for you (once they understand and are older) that you are not with this guy. Cheating is, by far, one of the worst things anyone can do in a relationship. It shows disrespect and it is not worth it.
He is an animal, i hope he one day feels pain 100 times greater than what U are now feeling.

if it wasn't for the kids, I would say get rid of him FAST.

Unfortunately, there are kids invloved, and they need a father. So Lawyer up. Make sure he will be financially responsible for the children. Then get rid of him. I don't think you can stick it out for the kids. He is too much a jerk. but don';t let him go without paying out the nose!!!
I've been in that situation if you stay with him, like I did, you'll never trust him. I don't trust my husband I just found out he's had pics of a stripper he said this was a long time ago. If he did it once he will keep doing it. You need to leave him and start a new life for yourself and your kids. Good Luck
Unless you want your children to grow up having no respect for women, you, or themselves, you should definitely leave. Staying for the kids is a cop-out. Leaving would do them a favor...
I'm no saint, but even I think that you only have 2 phone calls to make.

1. Attorney

2. Locksmith

Lock him out and take all the financial support you can. He is the one that needs a wake up call!
4 other women and you are still with him....are you braindead?

Get the hell outta there and find a decent guy. And I'd get checked for STDs too if I were you.
I feel your pain. I know it is a tough decision. You have to love yourself. He has been loving everyone else. You are in love with him and he is in love with himself. Listen to your brain. Your heart will heal in time. True love will find you and you will not have to share him with 1-2-3-4 or more other women. Who wants a man who shares his love around the entire neighborhood? You want someone who wants to love only you. There is someone out there, you just have to let this lunatic go. You made a bad choice, but it is good that you know you should leave. You just need the courage to do it. Good luck.
hey girl,

you know i have so experienced the truth about my spouse, and i have stayed with him as well however at times i so feel like suicide and leaving the bastard. he has blamed me for any and everything and everything is always my fault just today i found out that he went to a club with this person that freaking night and he had over and over again told me that he only took her to a friends house. i know he had sex with her and possible multiple times i also found a empty pregnancy box in the front seat of the car of course this is not theirs he don't know where this came from. yeah right that alone told me she may have been impregnated by him too. i also wanna state that this same man had his girl so to say call me at the house to question me and told her that if she had a problem with what happened to call his wife and question me about it all. i am here today this happened 3 years ago and i have since then gained so much weight that i am severely depressed. i have a deep hate for this man that i really am very in love with hard to explain but i just don't know if leaving him after 16 years would make me feel better and happy again.
I'm so SORRY.

First, you need to seek help. Go to your doctor, and talk.... cry if you must. Take care of yourself.... Get plenty of sleep (if you can).... seek counseling!

Second... you know better than anyone what you really want to do, and what is making you make your choice. Unfortunately you are married and as you said you have two children, so walking away may not be as easy as ';I'm out';....... Six years is a long time... bearing two children makes it even longer. Get help... and take time to take care of yourself. Can you trust him? Will staying together be beneficial to your children, or will it affect them more in the long run when they hear their parents argue.... or find out their father disrespected their mother?

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