Thursday, July 29, 2010

Im seriously considering divorcing my husband any advice?

I did it once and it was a rough 2 years afterwards but the best journey in self discovery I ever made.

And now I am remarried to someone who I am much better suited to, with a cute little kid too!Im seriously considering divorcing my husband any advice?
well sweetie, if you think its best for you, and your relationship is so bad, then divorce him.. neither of you need to suffer..... if you have children, they will understand one day......Im seriously considering divorcing my husband any advice?
You would get less smart @ss in Family and Relationships.
Sometimes it's the only answer. Good luck to you.
It sounds like you have a lot of good advice here. I have been divorced for a little over a year, and the place I had the most difficulty was the financial statement. If you have all your ducks in a row, you shouldn't have any problem there.
If he's abusive, If he's cheated, if you really have irreconcilablie differences then do it for the sake of your sanity, his and for the love of your children.

If it is workable then by all means do what you can to save it :)
Yes. Don't tell me anything about it. I'm afraid I won't be any consolation to you.
It was hard for me to finally come to that decision but it was the best thing I ever did. I was hard and he made it ugly even though he was cheating. Be strong......I am married again to a great guy!!
Why are you seriously considering divorcing him? Has he been abusive? Unfaithful? Or are you simply bored with him by now?

If it's the latter reason, (or something similar to it) you seriously need to reconsider. First, you won't escape the problem by leaving him. Boredom, disappointments, frustration, times of feeling incompatible will happen in any and every relationship, so leaving him to escape those things and find solace in someone else is going to set you up for a huge let-down. You'll come around this mountain again no matter who you find yourself with, so you might as well learn to solve that problem now.

Second, you'll only be exchanging one set of problems for another. (Again, this is talking about cases of boredom or seeming incompatibility - not abuse or adultery.) There will be property to divide, possibly children and or pets to have custody battles over, friends who will take sides and leave one spouse for the other, family who will disapprove, and some very longely days and nights where you'll agonize, wondering if you really did the right thing or not.

If the man is truly mistreating you or being unfaithful to you - then leave the bastard. You don't need any advice there except to just do it.

If it's only because the ';spark'; is gone, then go back to dating him again. Spend more time thinking about what you can do to please him - just like you did when you dated, and less time thinking about what he should be doing to please you. The paradox is, when you start treating him better, he'll treat you better, and things can heat up in a good way once again.

My advice is this: Don't divorce him at all unless you have a really, REALLY good reason for doing so. If you only think you've fallen out of love, then you can change what you're giving your attention to and how you're thinking about things, and make the decision to love him once again.

Good luck to you!
Get a good lawyer.
for something so personal and life-altering, you should not be asking a bunch of people you don't even know
good luck,it's a hard decision to make
Get with an attorney. They can best tell you what you are going to need and what you can get and what your options truly are. Everything varies by state and if there are any pre-nups involved. Also, you could talk with your pastor. They can help you with this decision as well. You don't state why you want to divorce. If it is because as one of my friends spouse put it - they were tired of being a wife - you need to seek counseling so that you don't make the same mistake.
Make sure it's what you really want to do.
im not sure,no divorce experience
Think long and hard about it. If that is truly what you want then go for it. Good Luck
Just make sure you checked all your options. Then if everything is pretty much dead and cant be helped, then move on. Their are more fish in the sea.
Only you know the reasons, so we can really only hope to encourage you to do the right thing. Think with your heart. You know it is tough and there will be a void. But, if it is what you want, do not sit around and be unhappy, thinking, you can work it out. Or that it will get better. Life is short. be happy. Know my best wishes are with you. I do not envy you right now. But, you know what? You will be alright.
Looks like your husband might have been the first answerer huh? LOL


I've been there many times love, it's tough.

All the advice I can give you is what I give myself, which is to say I ask myself this question:

';Have you done absolutely everything possible to save this marriage, is there nothing you haven't tried';?

The answer for me is no. I know I have a lot of fight left in me yet :o)

Good luck.
If you and your hubby can agree on who gets what, etc., you should get a dissolution, it's cheaper and quicker.
If you just can not work it out ,it just may be the best thing.
marriage counseling and if he doesn't agree than consider it, because evidently he doesn't want to work to fix the problems.

good luck

do what makes you happy
First be very certain that this is what you want, it's hard to re-start a relationship when you start talking about divorce.

If you do decide to leave the marriage, be aware that there will be very emotional time ahead for you and him both. A good rule of thumb is that it takes about one third of the time you were together to get over the relationship (eg if you were together for 12 years, it will take about 4 years to process through the stress of breaking up).

If you are unsure about what you really want to do, then I suggest counselling for you both. If your partner is not interested in trying to fix the problems in the marriage, then perhaps it is time to go. If he will attend counselling with you, then I'd say give it another shot.

Good luck, whichever way you choose.
Think about if you really love him and would both of you try to work it out and if you've already tried everything to save it and there just isn't anything left then just try your best to end it on good terms.
do what your heart tells you to
tell him first.....could be a major shock to him...
think it through...dont make any decisions unless ur absolutely sure thats the only solution cause once ur divorced theres no going back..good luck hun
dirty deeds done dirt cheap...

call me
If you have kids dont bad mouth him in front of them. Try to go for a dissolution if your state allows it--it ends up costing less money and less wear on your sanity.
I don't know ANY of your background, sweetie. It'd be nice to know a bit more information.

But somehow, something tells me that you should do it. You are obviously unhappy in your current situation. Even if kids are involved, it's probably for the best.

Good luck, and stay strong!

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