Thursday, July 29, 2010

Confused husband needing advice?

hello all, my wife and i have been fighting for the last couple weeks about her being controlling. She tells me that i need to stop cussing. i cuss on occasion, not much, and she tells me when me and our son are together i cant listen to rock and roll music and it has to be country, nothing else...grr, but anyways then she tells me that i have to live a christen lifestyle by joining groups and all, and im not really interested in that. (i love going to church). She also has alot of health issues and iv missed countless hours of work, always risking to be fired. She also goes to counceling and she wont tell me why. All of this stuff is wearing very thin on me. Iv been misrable and a little depressed from all the fighting and nothing has been resolved, im sorry icant be the husband she wants me to be but i try my hardest to have a roof over our heads and a meal everyday. Everyone from her brother inlaw tells me to leave to my own mother, does anyone have any helpful advice?Confused husband needing advice?
You should go to counseling with her...Maybe, you can both find a way to make things better.

Let her know that although you love her, the way she's been acting and treating you is becoming unbearable.

You need respect in this marriage, too....She should know that.Confused husband needing advice?
i dont know if i have advice or not, but i will say that she's probably always been controlling, even before you married her.

we need to take a good, hard LOOK at the person we are going to marry before we do it....

you marriage seems to be one-sided -- HER side.

do what you have to do in order to retain your sanity. it's up to YOU. take care too
You mention that your wife has health problems and depending on how long and how serious her health problem are can change one's deposition. However, she most definitely should show you compassion because you're doing your best to provide and maintain your family. Remember that you have to keep yourself in good health as well. Your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health is very important too.

Having a firm and truthful conversation with your wife is what is needed. You and her are both adults and she should not tell what eat, how to dress or what club to belong to. She needs to respect your feelings an opinions. It's sounds like she wants to be your mother instead of your wife. Inspite of your wife being sick she should be loving, kind, selflessness, and respectful. Theres only so much you can take!!!
hello, i sorry for what you are going throught but it really sound

like you need to get out of this controlling situation, this is not

a marriage at all, you cant make someone be something

that they are not, she trying to chance you, and that not

good for any one. you deserve to be happy, and this does

not sound like a happy situation at all.
1. living a christian lifestyle has nothing to do with joining groups.

2. music: rock and roll is sex and drugs; country music is booze, drugs, prison, and sex

So which is worse?

Maybe you need to start worrying about you more!
Where are your b@lls? Don't let her control you. Sure, she's got issues, but that doesn't give her the right to tell you every little thing you can and can't do.

You sound like a good man and dad. Use your own style of parenting. Be natural with your son. Be yourself. He'll grow up respecting you for being a man.

You might want to seriously consider what your relatives are telling you. If she won't tell you she's in counceling, she may be hiding other things from you. Think about how much happier you could be if you move out. Then she'll get her way... she can control all of her world alone.

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