Saturday, July 31, 2010

I really hate my emotional abusive husband.What can i do,when hes destroying me *cries* any advice is good?

Well, I really get fed up with my bf when he plays games with my head, but I feel like there is no where else I can go.

Right now, I think ya just gotta take it one day at a time because if you are optimistic, the right opportunity to get the hell out will present itself eventually.

That's all I can offer u is *hope* that someday u will find the right path to travel. I know, I feel like I'm in the same boat.I really hate my emotional abusive husband.What can i do,when hes destroying me *cries* any advice is good?
One of the most devastating effects of living with a verbal abuser is the change in self-esteem.

As women begin to internalize the criticism and believe it's valid, self-image sinks lower and lower. They start feeling worthless, incompetent, unlovable. (After all, when someone who knows them so well thinks they are so worthless and unlovable, so they believe then ';it must be true.';)

';Sticks and stones ... '; and that saying of old times keeps many women in place until verbal abuse has destroyed self-esteem, making leaving even harder. They even start thinking that if this man loves them, they should hold on to him.

The fact that verbal abusers are quite often charming people adds to the confusion. The abuser can turn on the charm with the woman he is abusing, making her doubt her instincts.

If the woman does challenge the abuser, he might turn on the charm and even make her doubt her instincts. This lowers her self-confidence even further.

Other abusers have stock answers when challenged. He might answer with:

';What's wrong with you, making such a big deal out of nothing…!”

';Come on, honey, I was drunk..” .....

';Honey, I love you… but sometimes you make me say mean things...';

';I had a bad day at work ...';

';You're not really going to bring this up again, are you? This is getting old.';

';I was upset with my ex,';

';You know I didn't mean anything I said. I'm the one who loves you more than anyone else in the world loves you--remember.';

Start by acknowledging the abuse.

This is not an easy thing to do, especially as your self-esteem is weakened.

Outside help may be necessary (like therapy) because family, friends, and relatives are often under the spell of your ';charmer'; and don't offer belief or support.

Make plans to create a better environment for yourself.

Don't stay too long, though, because every time your self-esteem sinks further, you lessen your chances of actually leaving.

Remember, verbal abuse escalates. Verbal abuse can- and sometimes does- turn physical. More then a million women end up dead because their husbands killed them ...!

Do you want to become another statistic? I hope not!!!

Don't live this life.

Please leave now….for your sanity… whatever is left of it.

Contact your family and friends. Ask for their support and leave. Get a good attorney and do what is right for you.

Abuse is never acceptable. NEVER. And we all deserve to live in peace.I really hate my emotional abusive husband.What can i do,when hes destroying me *cries* any advice is good?
People can only destroy you if you allow them to.

Recognize that he is an insignificant person - and learn to tune out the abuse.

Does what he says or thinks REALLY matter? Probably not. Smile, nod, say ';whatever you say, dear,'; and start saving money to move on. Use your hate to your advantage - if you don't care about him, you won't care about what he says.
Why are you standing for this treatment? Have you calmly tried to talk to him about how you feel when he is emotionally abusing you. I would try to talk to him when things are calm and if the abuse continues, I would seek some counseling (to build my strength). If there is no improvement that I would leave the situation.
Tell him that you have enough of his nonsense, that you will not continue to be treated this way, and that you tried of crying it causing you to be stress. Tell him to get some help and mean while you are leaving until he can show you that he is a change man.
Run.Don't wait as long as I did.(20 years of it).

I never thought I could be as happy as I am now,without him.Unlock the's a wonderful feeling,believe me.

Good luck,sweetie.
You know where the front door is. Drive straight to a lawyers office. They will answer all your questions and start you on the road to freedom and happiness.
Just leave. I was emotionally abused for 18 years. People like that don't realixe they're even doing anyhting wrong. They aren't going to change. Get out while you still can, before he turns to physical abuse.
LEAVE! You're an adult - why do women put up with this kind of stuff? Surely there is somewhere else you can go?
Forget the therapy- run fast because it only gets worse...i promise you it will never change...i stayed nad got knocked out cold- then i ran- that was the first and last time i get hit again....
Tell him you want couples therapy or you will divorce him. If he won't go, divorce him.
Flee and divorce

I could say more but why?

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