Saturday, July 31, 2010

My husband just relapsed, any advice on mending the pain of a broken heart?

Boy that is really sad to hear. As I'm sure you know, if someone isn't really working their program relapse is almost inevitable. I don't know if you really can mend your heart, but, you can't just idly sit by and enable him. I don't know how involved you are in al-anon, but, the advise of a sponsor would be best for now, because who knows how long it can take for someone to get their act together and really allow their higher power to start making decisions for them. I'll pray for you and your husband.My husband just relapsed, any advice on mending the pain of a broken heart?
Well there is no good advice for that but I have been there and done that myself. I had over 4 years and had to start over myself. My wife stuck by me the whole time and why to this day I still wonder why. You should get yourself to ALANON as soon as you can so at least you will have the support network you need. Don't let what happened drag you down too. He is going to do what he wants till he hits his bottom.My husband just relapsed, any advice on mending the pain of a broken heart?
The first thing you need to do is decide how you feel about this, and how you want to respond. While relapses happen to many people trying to recover from drugs and/or alcohol, he has made a choice. You can't save someone unless they want the help. he has to make the choice to get and stay sober. You can't make choices for him, but you can make choices for you. Watching a love one relapse after so much time of doing well must be a crushing blow. You need to take care of you. Perhaps you should look into Alanon meetings or programs? You need to let him know (once he's sober) that this is NOT ok.
Relapsed WHAT?
well been there, done that, I went out with my friends and had a hell of a good time, that was back in 95, good grief what a shocker it was, after being married for 24 years, it was really different, but I ended getting re-married and I'm happy as hell
Anjel, time and staying involved in your own life might pull you through the pain. Please mind your safety and your children's and get out or make him leave if there is any question.

My heart hurts for you both. This is such a frigging awful disease!

Call your sponsor if you haven't already!
relapsed on what my dear.? i want to help but not enough info
I must say from experience that only time and a good network of friend and family support can help a broken heart. Just do something that makes you happy and try to move forward with your life don't let anyone hold you back. Good luck
go listen to bob dylan
Depends on the situation. I would relax and do things you like to do. Go out with some friends. Get some new hobbies.

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