Saturday, July 31, 2010

I want to leaave my husband any advice?

i dont love him anymore and havent for a while i feel guilty though. we have had turbulent 2 yr marriage and i just havent the nergy any more, he is nasty, arrogant, ignore me unless he wants food or sex and lately i have been givin him neither. hes been away workin for the last month and i have only seen him for about fivr days each of which he spent complaing aboiut payin the rent i pay everything else and never moan, he drinks a lot too and i dont want to be with him but am so afraid of the whole seperating thing. i want to take the kids away for a week and let him get his stuff together but i dont want to see him. leavin a note seems harsh i know but he has been so cruel to me and my kids, mentally, i have been on anti deppressents, had to pay someone else to look after oour son to go to college when he was out of work and lying in bed. i am sick of being the causse of everything bad in his life and i just dont want to face him. he said if i left him he would not want our sonI want to leaave my husband any advice?
Sounds like a solved deal to me...

Do you have any reasons to stay other that his threat and your fear???

Give him the same respect he'd give you...

Take care of yourself and your kids first and make sure you and they have everything needed, to include the emotional stability... He can deal with his drinking habits and his selfishness on his own... Maybe then he will learn to value you your kids and everyone he cares about, and how to show it.I want to leaave my husband any advice?
My Darling: There is no other solution but leave. Life itself is to short, you dont need that in your life or anyone else's. Pack it up and leave, dont feel sorry for him. your only hurting yourself. Why stay if your not having fun? think only about yourself and no one else.
Honey...get out now!! Get a dissolution. A close family member is going through this and she has filed for a dissolution and she was also on anti depressants and now since she has been gone she has not taken them in a month and feels so much better. You don't have to live this way and not with children involved! You are better then him eventually you will find another man and fall in love and I hope for you he treats you like a queen like you should be treated!

Good Luck!
well it looks like that's the only thing to do. that break may do the both of you good. it may work for you.DO IT NOW
well Iam sorry you are in this situation, but you plan for better or worse . you should of learn about him a little more and if a man does not love his own flesh and blood he should not be called MAN so if you need to leave do that it will be better for your happiness
just do like you said leave him a note and get the **** out of there you deserve better be happy take your child and don't look back
You and him need some space away from each

other for awhile. Tell him that and explain why,

seperate and take your child with you and during

the seperation you see he is still the same then

you need to decide weather to take it a next step

further. Don't make any hesitant decision, during

seperation you and him can think about what you

future togeather will be, and if you and him are

still in the same situation then that should tell you

something. Good luck.
just go, tell him he is never home and that you get lonely and cant do tis anymore. whatever it takes but get out and move on.
leave just leave
since you apparently have a place to go then go. right now. this very minute. pick up whatever you can and leave. the future alone might seem scary but it has to be better than living in misery. leave a note, text a message or don't tell him at all. once he comes home he will figure it out. best of luck
This sounds like it is pretty intolerable.

Plan your departure carefully. You don't have to inform him of your plans, if you're worried for your safety or that of your children. If you want to stay where you are, be prepared for a fight (in terms of divorce and a court settlement). At the very least you should be putting aside every penny you can in the event of an emergency. Make sure your credit is in good standing, in case you need to rely for a while on credit cards to escape. Good luck to you.
do it. you sound like you know what you want and you've thought it through.

why should you stay in a relationship that neither of you are benefiting from and growing from?

yeah, leaving a note is alittle shitty. but just remember he was pretty shitty to you too.

do what YOU need to do
You should really leave him. If he is being cruel to you and your kids, you should get out asap. You and your kids don't need this abuse. Don't let him get you down. Be strong. You'll find someone that appreciates you. Good luck:) Its time for a new start.
you dont need this crap you need a real man file for a divorce also file for a restraint order to keep him at bay and seek full custody good luck
sounds like neither of you are happy but that is most marriages i think...but if he is abusive physically or mentally u better get...and just be honest and talk to him that helps most problems....unless hes gonna beat you...then i would leave a note....and it sounds like he might not be a good dad anyway.....
May i suggest spellcheck.
Yeah, make sure that you are in the middle of getting some strange when he walks in on you. That's a surefire way to end it quickly.
Have you tryed talking to your husband about this?.....and if you have it will only work for a while, he'll be nice and romance you for a night and then back to knocking it off for himself! Have you tryed counceling? That can also help for a short time. However I honestly think that some men are incabable of thinking of anything other than SEX or FOOD lucky you have one that works!!

So let me say that I have been married for 14 yrs.... long hard, to this day it is a challange. Sometimes left to wonder why do we do this to ourselfs??????

I have hard times in my relationship but let me say this.......

STOP PUTTING UP WITH ALL THE BULLSHIP!! What inconsideration he show you comes back, why should you be left to do everything when you work too??? Why do they feel that we can work come home, cook, clean, help with homework, do laundry, do the shopping, and actully the one that sends out all the bills, to parent teacher meatings, not to mention if you have to finish some work left from you day at work, and still want use to be their personal depository.....NOT!!!! This SHIP has to stop. What you put up with now, will I GUARENTEE will get 3x worse...

Send the kids to their friends house or grandma's for the weekend, when he gets home. Let him know what is going on, YOUR FED UP!!

If you honestly think he is going to want to take custody of your son, you should file a pattion to the courts for custody and visitations of your child.

Always rember that you chose this man, he is the father to your son and will always be. Your son did not chose his father!! Let your son respect him and have a father in his life, that is something no one should take away.

Good luck with everything...
sweetie, do you have any friends or family to talk to???

This is not the kind of thing that you take advice from internet strangers on.

Good luck.
Just leave you have to think of yourself and your kids first before anyone including your husband. And If he treats that badly then you dont need to give him any explaination just say you dont love him anymore and leave you have to do whats best for you and your kids...

I'm so sorry......I know you can be just like him dont give a crap and then mabye he will devorse you then he will probably still want your kid and you back!!! Don't take anymore medicene ok..... And if it gets to be hitting and killing call 911 ok...Don't hurt yourself!!!good luck
contact a women's shelter
the best thing,is making your kids life the best!

staying with someone thats cruel to you or your children is NEVER an option.

I did that for 8 years....then finally took my child to the grandparents and let it fly,went to our home and told him it was over and dealt with the fall out when my child was NOT there.

an unhappy mother never is the best mother she can be...

dont wait 4-6 or 8 years,the sooner you go,the easier it will be on you all.

YES it is hard and it DOES suck.but the outcome is well worth it.

be strong and go while you can,before the cruelty you speak of ,if not allready,turns to physical violence....

good luck
Well girl, sounds like u have urself a real winner on your hands. Good grief, what an ***.

Ok, who cares about leaving a note. He doesnt deserve anything more than just that.

Leave and be gone and dont leave him anything. He will get the drift.

U and your son deserve a man who will be supportive and kind, not mean, abusive and an alcoholic.

Been there and done that.

As far as him not wanting your son if you left, why would u want him to? Make him pay child support and move on with your life.

Good luck hun in finding someone and something that will make u happy.

Dont blame urself and dont look back.
Sounds to me as you could do better, why dont you take and leave while he is away at work, and he can come home to an empty house? Then he can figure out how to get him something to eat and get acquainted with his hands for his sexual pleasure. I tip my hat to you though cause I would not have been able to put up with him that long if he were mine, cause I would have told him to shape up or ship out!!!!!!!!!!!
too much to read for only 2pts.
You need to see a counselor. Check the source.
Funny how you married this guy in the first place and now wonder? The fact is you didn't respect marriage in the first place and now wonder...

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