Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Need advice about husband's actions...What should I do?

Today was my first day in law school and I was so excited to tell my husband about my day...ya know, share with him. He picked me up on his lunch break (when I got out of class) and he was aggrivated because I was 15 min. late getting out, then he yelled at me because he only had 30 min. left of his break when we got home. When he's upset about something he does get aggrivated wtih me sometimes, but I just wish he didn't do this today. It made me so so upset. Then he texted me that he was almost late to work getting back. I texted back that if he wasn't going to be nice then to leave me alone. This all seems so childish, but I'm really upset. Why today!? What should I do?Need advice about husband's actions...What should I do?
Sounds like your newlyweds, When it comes to men and conversations, wait untill dinner, no t.v no cell phones and then have your conversation. Men do not have radar when we have something exciting to share. They tend to be all about themselfs. Do tell him that it hurt your feeling when he craped on your moments. Oh by the way good for you {law school} my father was a lawyer. Good luck Need advice about husband's actions...What should I do?
watch to see if this becomes a pattern. if so, talk to him about it. maybe it was just a today thing. honestly, sounds like he didn't get much of a lunch break for himself and was upset about it. i would be also. i always needed a bit of my own down time during the day. maybe the time to discuss your day is when he has time to discuss his also. make it about the two of you, not just you.
It sounds to me like he is a little jealous that you are in school and he is working. Tell him that he upset you and he needs to act more like an adult next time.
You should have given him some validation about his experience and his reaction. Not that it is cool or proper to get all agro, but he was probably just looking for a compassionate response from you.

Speaking as a guy myself, and i don't like saying it but it is true, a fair portion of guys are just immature and childish. Don't let it bother you.
What a jerk. Tell him to F off until he decides how to properly talk to you. Tell him he has no right to get angry about things that are out of your control, like what time class lets out.
He's probably stressed over something at work. Ask if he needs to talk about anything, and if not, just give him a little space.
I'm so sorry! Do something good for yourself tonight because you deserve it. Congratulation on your first day of law school!
';Aggrivated';...? Law school and can't spell simple words (twice in one paragraph)? And can't use the spell check? Good luck with that....
maybe he was having a really bad day

i would ask him why he was so ugly about things

maybe you two need to go get some counseling before things get worse
Maybe he had a hard morning, but I am sorry he took it out on you. Congrats on your first day of law school.
Blow him off, have a nice dinner and a glass of wine!
man can get very stupid sometimes..just let it go but if he keeps doing it every freaken week thats when u gotta make a change..for your own good
That`s call marriage, it`s normal couple`s fight due to stress from every day routine and stuff, I wish I had those little bitty problems, mine problems are worse he`s cheater and a liar and a verbal abuser and `I'm going through divorce, you just need to relax and talk about your cool day later at home, I know it`s exiting and can`t wait to share it but maybe it was the wrong timing.

that`s noting, if you love him, just get over it, and let him know you don`t like it when he yells and gets the way he gets when angry, but pick the right moment for that conversation as well.
He was probably having a bad day at work... I know when I'm having a bad day at work, if my husband is having a good day - it just ticks me off. I don't want to hear about his success %26amp; happiness. I want to stew in my own anger %26amp; frusteration until its passed. On the opposite end, my husband is the same way. I worked a telemarketing job %26amp; risked it to apply for the job I have now as a receptionist. When I was hired, I was SO excited. I missed 2 days of my telemarketing job %26amp; was about to be fired %26amp; this job came through for me, so naturally I was thrilled. But my husband had a bad day %26amp; when I wanted to kick up my heels %26amp; celebrate with him, he just snapped at me. It happens. So I wouldn't let it get you down too much. This is your first day of law school! Let it slide today - today is a happy day %26amp; your day to shine! Talk to him tomorrow about how he's hurt your feelings... once he's had a chance to cool off. I'm sure he'll want to join in the festivities then ;) Good luck! And congratulations on your first day of school!
Waiting for someone who's late is frustrating, especially when you're short on time. He probably wasn't even thinking that he might be bringing you down. It was a little thoughtless of him but not a huge sin, at least in my opinion.

Tonight have a special celebration for your first day and talk to him. Tell him how excited you were and that he was sort of a buzz kill when he was so angry. Maybe you could tell him that you understand how frustrating it can be when someone's late and apologize for that. Don't make him feel attacked, keep it casual. You don't want it to end in a big fight.
I hate that and I hate hearing this stuff. Tell him to grow the hell up and not everyone has ALL the freaking time in the world to always be on time 24/7. You are in law school and sometimes class gets out late or whatever the case is and he needs to stop being selfish and think about YOU and the day that you have had. Talk with him tonight and let him know how much that hurt you and that you wanted to share your great day with him but instead he was all sorts of negative. It's about him being selfish and not caring about anyone but himself. Good luck :)
Despite all the posters who tell you to aggravate and insult your husband, I would take the higher road here.

He acted childishly. No doubt about it.

On the other hand, you were late. And that was also irresponsible.

So the two cancel each other out. All that's left to bicker about is your hurt feelings.

And is that really worth more hurt feelings?

Try this....apologize for being late. You were late after all. Be sincere. Tell him you know how hectic his day is and you'll do what you can to minimize it in the future.

You'll be amazed at how quickly his affections will turn on and you'll have a happy home again.

And isn't that why you've posted here? Hope so!

Good luck!

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